One kind gesture in a Starbuck drive-thru sparked another, and made one Maple Ridge woman’s bad day a little brighter. (Screengrab)

Kind gesture by Starbucks customer came at perfect time

A Maple Ridge woman is extremely grateful for and encourage by one person's act of kindess

Dear Editor,

With all the bad news going on right now I wanted to share a little good news story.

I was going through a Starbucks drive thru here in Maple Ridge on Dec.1, and I let a woman go ahead of me – which was no big deal.

When I got up to make my order and went to pay, the girl handed me a gift card that the woman ahead of me wanted to give to me.

READ MORE: Maple Ridge church offers a free Starbucks coffee to the community

This was just because I let her in the line up.

I know people have been doing this through the years.

What that woman did not know was that I had received some very bad news that day, after taking groceries over to my parents.

She could have just done nothing, but she made my day, and made me feel that in a middle of a pandemic when we are all so tired and fed up with staying home, there are still thoughtful people out there.

MORE KINDNESS: Ridge Meadows RCMP officer made over 800 cards for seniors

I just wanted to thank her, as she would not know how much that really meant to me especially on that day.

We need to have more happy and caring people in the world, especially today – in these such stressful times, and I’m sure she does not realize what a nice thing she did for me.

Thank you again.

J . MacKenzie, Maple Ridge



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