Kitimat refinery

Mr. Black please do not take this personally but save your money and use it for something that is useful to mankind and the environment.

Mr. Black please do not take this personally but save your money and use it for something that is useful to mankind and the environment.

I hope the pipeline does not even touch B.C. soil. It may just be wishful thinking because I just know that the politicians will jump in to the process and make deals with powerful people like you.

After all who are we?

We are the people, the taxpayer, and the people who must pay for irresponsible decisions that are made by persons in authority.

However, there is one person you cannot influence. Who you ask?

Well it is someone who can move mountains, destroy cities, flood deserts, bring cities to their knees, and worse. Her name is Mother Nature and all she needs is for some power hungry person to put some environmentally harmful object close to or on the Saint Andreas Fault.

You could not have picked a worse place to consider building a huge and dangerous facility. You are a worldly person and have seen the catastrophic damage done when something goes wrong at a refinery.

Human error, or, metal fatigue is generally the cause, however, placing a refinery this close to the ocean and on a natural fault line is in my estimation totally irresponsible.

Enbridge cannot even build pipelines that will not rupture on flat terrain let alone a mountainous one.

I cannot understand why you would have your name associated with a company with such a safety reputation as Enbridge.

This oil will not even be for Canadian use.

This oil will be sent to Asia. It is going to be shipped in super tankers that have a record of spilling their contents even though they are double hulled.

Not just little spills but millions of litres of oil over hundreds of miles of ocean.

Yes there will be some short-term benefits, construction jobs, but afterwards there will only be a few long-term jobs, and there will be very little economic benefit to the people of B.C.

I would ask that you reconsider your decision.

Jim Mellors



Vernon Morning Star