Kiwanis Club active within the community

I am hoping this open letter will explain more about Kiwanis and encourage you to join us.

Dear Editor:

I am a Kiwanis member and have been for just over two years.

I am hoping this open letter will explain more about Kiwanis and encourage you to join us.

When I joined Kiwanis, I had no idea what Kiwanis was about or what its goals were.

Since that time, I have learned that Kiwanis is a worldwide organization and helps children all over the world.

We sponsor three different hospital programs that are researching cancer in children.

They have found in their research that children’s cancer cures will help adults as well as children.

We sponsor the Elimination Project, working to save the lives of infants and mothers worldwide with the goal of eliminating maternal neonatal tetanus which can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy.

We apply for gaming funds which we share with many service clubs in the Summerland area that are working to help children within the community.

Some of those programs are the Breakfast Club, a candidate for the Summerland Royalty Pageant, Summerland Asset Development Initiative, NeighbourLink, Read to Me, Girl Guides, B.C. Guide Dogs and many more.

We also hold pancake breakfasts during the spring and summer to secure extra funds to help where there is a need.

If some of you are thinking, what can I do to contribute to our community, we would love to have you join us.

There are many levels of service and we know you are all busy, but come and give us a try.

Come and join Kiwanis.

Irene Johnston



Summerland Review