Kootenay folks shouldn’t meddle

It never ceases to amaze me, the number of people that are willing to debate and stand in the way of others’ success

Re: Kootenay residents head to Kitimat to protest pipeline

It never ceases to amaze me, the number of people that are willing to debate and stand in the way of others’ success and economic well being.

Yes the jury is out on the decision as the JRP continues its work, but it is incumbent upon municipal governments far removed from the affected areas of concern to stay out of others’ business. Look after your own shop before venturing out and denying economic prosperity to others.

I have seen no occasion where the municipalities of the north have denied Kootenay communities the right to progress and financial well being.

The Geezers make a mockery of the process which is evident on the whimsical way that they approach the “tour” bunch of old guys perhaps with nothing else to do but raise s__t in someone elses back yard. They should have stayed home and knit or whatever they do for a past time.

It would serve your community well to mind your business and keep your nose out of others.

Austin Byrne



Nelson Star