KPU sports decision disturbing

Athletes and parents, along with coaches, did not get any explanation until July 16. Why was there no consultation?

As a parent of an athlete affected by the Kwantlen Polytechnic  University decision to eliminate varsity athletics after the 2015/16 season, I am disturbed about how this decision was reached.

Coaches, athletes and their families were blindsided with this decision July 8 and then notified the following day that their seasons would happen. This now appears to be in jeopardy.

No consultation happened with any of the involved parties, including the athletic director, who was promptly fired the day he returned from vacation.

Athletes and parents, along with coaches, did not get any explanation until July 16. Why was there no consultation prior to making such a decision? Why was this not done much earlier in the year, allowing all student athletes to try out for new school teams, enabling them to begin/continue their degrees and athletics?

Students are in a terrible position now; most have already registered for classes. It is too late to make changes now and sadly, if varsity athletics are eliminated, they will probably never come back. This is another blemish on Surrey’s reputation.


Josephine Smith, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader