Kudos for Kalawsky

Tireless worker saluted for her copious contributions


Inspired by the Communities in Bloom program, I think Castlegar outdid itself this year. I drive through town thinking how pretty it looks.

I think most of the credit, however, is due to the inspiration of Darlene Kalawsky. It does not matter what time of day it is, what the weather is, I see her out there. She may be digging, weeding, planting or watering with cans on the back of her truck and she can be found everywhere from one end of town to the other any day of the week.

I realize that there are others who have also put in time but I want to recognize Darlene as the one who definitely works hard to get people motivated.

Congratulations to the City for its award, which I think we really deserve, and to Darlene for being such a support.

Sarah Tupholme,


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