Kudos to Trail’s hospital staff

People of Trail are fortunate to have such a wonderful facility staffed with such excellent people.

I am writing this letter in order to express my profound gratitude to all of the staff at the Trail hospital including the ambulance staff who delivered me safely there and back recently in order to repair my right leg which was broken in five places due to a tumble I took down a mountain on March 4 while out walking the dog.

I had only recently arrived in the community of Grand Forks from Vancouver in order to house/pet sit for some friends who wanted to take a vacation. The break was significant enough that I had to make two separate journeys to the hospital, initially to stabilize the leg to relieve the swelling and then subsequent to that, a four and a half hour operation which involved the installation of two metal plates and 20 screws, to put my leg back together.

The care, compassion and professionalism of the hospital staff towards a total stranger was to say the very least extremely heart warming. Everyone who assisted me along the way in whatever capacity whether it was from cleaning my room, to the kitchen staff, the administration staff, the nurses, physios, and surgeons did so in such a way as to make what was a very challenging time for me, that much easier indeed.  The list of names is a long one, and if they happen to read this, I am sure they will all know who I am speaking about. To all of you, I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart and soul

I hope that the people of Trail and the surrounding area realize just how fortunate they are to have such a wonderful facility staffed with such excellent people.

Hospitals aren’t something that most of us think about until we are the one needing the help. I know that I would have fit that profile prior to March 4 of this year.

My gratitude runs deep, and I thank you all so very, very much.

Paul Marcotte

Grand Forks

Trail Daily Times