Labels don’t solve homeless problem

We were shocked and saddened at the insensitivity of Scott Piercey’s letter (News May 2).

We were shocked and saddened at the insensitivity of Scott Piercey’s letter (News May 2).

Labelling people “bums” and “hobos” etc. does nothing to solve the growing problem of unemployment and poverty. Rather than calling people names, Mr. Piercey and his friends could help solve these societal challenges volunteering at a shelter or food bank or at an under-funded social service agency.

B.C. has the highest rate of child poverty in Canada for the sixth year in a row. No community, not even Oak Bay, is immune to the widening gap between rich and poor. This is a much bigger problem than pan handlers on Oak Bay Avenue and the solution begins with showing some compassion.

Lynne Milnes and Joseph Blake

Oak Bay



Oak Bay News