Labour dispute

Reader takes exception to Bill Turanski's use of phrase 'teachers' strike,' as teachers are working full time

I take exception to Bill Turanski’s use of the phrase “teachers’ strike” in his recent letter to the editor.

He ought to know better. The teachers are not on strike. They are working full-time doing what they’re supposed to be doing, teaching.

Yes, they are working to rule, i.e. not participating in those volunteer activities which are above and beyond the terms of their collective agreement.

Also Mr. Turanski states that none of the CUPE staff can be pressed into service because of their collective agreement and that is as it should be.

The problem is that during the last 10 years, collective agreements have been so disrespected that bargaining has become more like bullying on the part of government.

If Mr. Turanski is feeling heat over the cancellation of recess, then the message is probably getting to the right place.

The teachers didn’t cancel recess, Mr. Turanski and the outgoing board did.


Howard Brown, Enderby



Vernon Morning Star