Labour laws need change

Fear not Susan Upton, I have no anger management issues and I have never sought employment at any organization that entails joining a union since learning at a young age that union membership could be a degrading experience.

Fear not Susan Upton, I have no anger management issues and I have never sought employment at any organization that entails joining a union since learning at a young age that union membership could be a degrading experience.

Change in labour laws is long overdue. Unions need to be considerate of others and accept the proposition that other people have just as many rights as they do. The asinine tactic of striking and disrupting the lives of others who have no involvement or interest in union goals is something that defies logic. The world does not care about your needs.

Closed-shop policies are also mind boggling. Membership should be a choice and not forced on prospective employees.

Perhaps when unions face reality and modernize their thinking and approach, they may gain a little better acceptance from those who feel the need for unions has long passed their “best before date”.

Paul Crossley



Penticton Western News