Lake discharge

Resident opposed to possibly pumping treated effluent into Okanagan Lake

A word of caution to city council on dealing with the latest spray irrigation challenge.

Several city councils over several decades had the foresight and courage to establish and maintain a revolutionary method of treated waste water management in order to prevent using Okanagan Lake as a dumping ground for Vernon’s sewage.

With their willingness over the years and the ingenuity of the experts they consulted, they overcame great obstacles: economic, geographic, climatic, and fear of the unknown, and created a wonderful program sensitive to our environment, one that worked and made this community proud, made this city stand out above all others connected to Okanagan Lake.

Please, don’t be the one city council in so many years to spoil that.

Don’t be the one city council to sellout Okanagan Lake for a lousy million dollars a year. If it is costing too much, fix it, don’t torpedo it.

Sometimes doing the right thing takes effort and involves cost. I think this is one cost taxpayers are very willing to bear, and it is an effort that is well worth continuing.

Consider this negative recommendation by KPMG and you will be strongly opposed.

Kick it aside and I for one will cheer you on.

I’m surprised council did not stipulate a hands-off spray irrigation condition before this core services review was undertaken.

Surprised and sickened. Show me you know better.

John J. Clarke



Vernon Morning Star