Editor, The Times:
This is an open letter to the newly appointed Minister for the Environment, the Honourable Terry Lake:
Dear Sir,
There is some low hanging fruit that I would love to see you pick this summer.
The environmental policy to which I refer should be one of your first priorities for many reasons, among them:
• it is relatively simple and straightforward
• it would cost next to nothing to implement
• it is a policy that would positively impact the health of everyone in BC, now and in the future
• it is a policy that you already support…
In 2006, while you were the Mayor of Kamloops, you stated that you favoured a province-wide cosmetic pesticide ban rather than a municipal bylaw because the former would be much more effective. You are now in a position to follow through on this.
Though there are many environmental concerns of even greater urgency, this particular action could become an easy first achievement for you and your new ministry.
Here is an excerpt from a city staff report you received as mayor, “…research suggests that pesticide regulation by-laws enacted throughout Canada have been difficult to enforce; however, provincial pesticide bans have been proven to be most effective…”
A province-wide cosmetic pesticide ban would demonstrate a strong start in your tenure as BC’s Minister of the Environment.
Donovan Cavers
Kamloops, B.C.