Land commission should be heard

The alternative to inner core growth would require costly sewer mains out into satellite hillside areas.

Dear Editor:

Summerland council after years of public hearings submitted an application to the Agricultural Land Commission to reclassify 200 acres in the downtown core for long-term growth of affordable housing for younger families and seniors.

As part of the growth strategy, both water and sewer treatment plants and the distribution/collection systems were designed and built to accommodate the long-term growth of our community.

Both systems are operating well below capacity with little if any future capital cost requirements as infilling the central and serviced town centre occurs.

The alternative to inner core growth would require costly sewer mains out into satellite hillside areas where land development and infrastructure costs would preclude affordable housing for both seniors and our younger families.

It is disturbing to realize that the efforts of past councils are being jeopardized by a few by attempting to abort the application to the Agricultural Land Commission.

It was also disturbing to hear some candidates for both mayor and council declare unequivocally at the all-candidates forum that they not only would abort the ALC application but never ever reconsider any compromise options that the Land Commission might offer either in quantity or timing.

The process was started with the long-term design and installation of these water and sewer systems and ends with the ALC presenting land use options to Council. Stay the course voters.

Let’s hear from the Agricultural Land Commission before we make rash decisions.

Let’s elect a council that is open to options and compromises.

John Nicolson



Summerland Review