Land deal raises questions

Why was the sale of city-owned lots on Eckhardt Avenue not put out to the public?

As a taxpayer in this city, I have some hard questions that I would like to put to the mayor and new council.

The comments by Mayor Dan Ashton do not reflect what should have been done prior to council’s decision on the sale of city lots. What good does it do for the mayor to hold a news conference just hours prior to a meeting? None.

In my opinion, the original deal was bogus. To the best of the taxpayers’ knowledge, there was no offering of this property to anyone other than the principals mentioned. Why?

For the mayor, who apparently was forefront in the initial deal, to not say anything until now wreaks of a cover up. And Mr. Mayor, you do not have to call me again on your point of view because you are seeing it here as the way I think it has gone down.

The person/company that got in on the ground floor thanks to whoever, in my opinion, did so knowing they would have to default on the sale.

Further, the city has now extended a one-year time period to fulfill the purchase. Makes me ask the question again, why wasn’t the property put out for sale to the general public?

Another thought that comes to mind is who else will make use of these rooms in the dorm when the hockey school is not using them?

My thought: Okanagan College comes to mind. Or open it up to whoever they wish to rent them to for a shot term.

Mr. Mayor, you lost my vote last election, maybe not enough of us got out and voted. You will not get my vote or support on anything else you propose because you are not looking after the interest of the average taxpayer in this fine city of ours.

Roy West





Penticton Western News