Landfill wants too much info for dumping drywall

Dear editor,

I was at our landfill in Cumberland and I was told upon entering that I would have to fill out a form with all kinds of personal information if I wanted to dump my drywall.

I refused!

What assurances does the public have that the info supplied to you is going to be treated with the discretion that my personal information deserves?

They asked for my vehicle info, home address, cell number and email info.

I was not about to hand out this information to someone with a smile and a ‘you-can-trust-us’ statement. Totally absurd in this day and age with all of the identity theft that is going on. These people that do these types of crimes look just like you and me and they only need minute pieces of personal info to be able to piece together the rest of the puzzle.

Do all of the employees that work at the landfill have lengthy background and criminal record checks? Are they bonded? Will my info be treated as you would expect your personal info to be treated?

I was very disturbed by this and felt sorry for all the people who are afraid of speaking their minds for the common good of all.

I hope that this makes it into the public eye because my personal info is sacred, and needs to be protected and only handed out to trustworthy people and organizations and only for legitimate causes.

Drywall is not a legitimate cause!

Ryan Toovey





Comox Valley Record