Langford market needs more help, planning to consider coupling

Looking to Moss Street success would be a start toward consideration of coupons at the popular Goldstream market

P.T. Barnum said “There is no such thing as bad publicity”.

With that in mind, I would like to draw attention to an article in the April 19 edition of the News Gazette with the title “Farm market opts out of coupon program” and on page five “Market skips couponing”.

The facts stated in the article are correct, but the titles may give the impression that the market backtracked on a previous commitment (opts out) or could not be bothered to do this (skips).

As stated in the article, this project is one that we are interested in.

However, to proceed, the following things need to be in place:


1. A mandate from the society membership. This is already scheduled for the AGM agenda. The board cannot arbitrarily force our vendors to take non cash payment.

2. A plan. As stated, Moss Street had to work through issues in implementing this. What would it take for the program to be successful in Langford?

3. A resource base. We need people to find out how Moss Street does it and how it might fit for our vendor base and demographic. We need people to organize the program, to launch the program, and to administer it when it is in place.

Quite possibly people reading the article were disappointed that we could not launch the program this year.

Is anybody disappointed enough to help us remove some of the stated obstacles so that next year’s headline can be “Market excited about coupon program”?

If so, please reach out to us at  We are always looking to add to our small but committed volunteer base.

Steve Littler, president

Luxton Station Market Society



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