Langley City council members are reckless spenders

Taxpayers provide the endless well that council keeps going back to for its pet projects.

Editor: The Langley City mayor and council are seeking another four-year term. What do we have to look forward to?

In the past three years, they transformed McBurney Lane into a white elephant at a cost of over $1 million.  It was a beautiful place to have a coffee and sandwich before this destruction. Now it is a disgrace.

Land for a railway overpass was expropriated at a $2 million deficit, as per the courts. That cost the taxpayers of Langley another $1 million.

They dismantled the Timms Centre because it needed repairs. They are building a $14 million replacement. I would guess that they could have done any needed repairs for the cost of the dismantling.

The City is spending $15 million on what we really do not need, plus the $1 million extra for the overpass.

Then in their wisdom they find they do not have enough money to service the city’s infrastructure. They need $500,000 for that. Where do they go for that —  the well (the taxpayers, of course) with a property tax increase.

You can bet there will be more increases in taxes. These people just spend and spend, they do not know how to look after the treasury and they want us to give them the key to it for another four years. Wouldn’t it have been nice if they had  taken that $15 million and lowered  property taxes.

Will Ramage,

Langley City

Langley Times