Langley City remains liveable

The best way to deal with crime and other issues is to talk directly to councillors and the RCMP.

Editor: Langley City is not turning out as “The Place to Be” for  newcomer John Woodford and his wife.

I am sorry for what they have endured since moving to Langley City. I have lived here for 25 years, and feel it is a nice, comfortable small community atmosphere.

Having said that, I also know these crimes happen everywhere. No one should feel afraid, especially in their homes.

Taxpayers all pay the salaries of the RCMP in our community. I know we paid $845 in taxes this coming year for policing. It  increases every year.

I believe if these crimes are happening, go to the City hall and talk to any councillor with your concerns. Better yet,write a letter to all the councillors, then there is a paper trail.

Also go up to the RCMP detachment and ask to speak to someone with your concerns. It’s easy to sit back and do nothing but complain, but I have always voiced my complaints to whom it will make the most effective difference.

Welcome to Langley and don’t be afraid to follow up with your concerns. Someone will listen and also want to see changes for the good.

Wendy Minar,

Langley City



Langley Times