Langley letter: Yelling at municipal staff no way to discuss issue

Resident taken aback by unruly behaviour at the Township truck route public meeting.

Dear Editor,

Sent to mayor and council:

Tonight [June19] I attended the transportation open house at the LEC.

What a display of abhorrent and abusive behaviour by the opponents of the new transportation and truck route plans.

They literally mobbed the TOL staff and yelled at them.

This an atrocious way to try and get one’s way, but certainly childish.

I hope you don’t give a lot of ground to those rude people, who were mainly from Walnut Grove and insisted that no one supported the TOL plan. But they were wrong. Many people understand the reasonableness of the new transportation and truck route plans as fair and helpful to our growing community.

We support the TOL staff and their efforts.

The opponents tried to impose their agenda on everyone that attended the open house.

Please consider reason, prefessionalism and foresight in how the TOL transportation team have worked on the truck route revisions and transportation plans.

G. Lambert, via email

Langley Advance