Langley letters: 208th Street needs widening

Dear Editor,

I have been waiting for action regarding a statement made by Mayor Jack Froese. This was concerning the widening of the 208th Street connector and that it could be paid for by the Township.

At the time I thought this was a great idea and showed real character on his behalf.

This initiative would ease the everyday stress of the commuters and residents along this vital corridor. This is similar to the great foresight shown by a previous administration on the construction of the 208th Street overpass.  

I have not changed my opinion in the intervening months. Having the township head up the project would definitely speed up the process; instead of waiting for five to seven years, its benefits could be realized in two.

Even if this idea is rejected by the planning department, I wish to thank Jack Froese, the Mayor of the Township of Langley, for at least trying to put all the residents of the municipality first.

Bruce Jones, Langley

Langley Advance