Langley Township councillors don’t listen

Residents are ignored when they make presentations to council.

Editor: I had to laugh when I heard that councillors noted that there had been no objection from the committees that look over heritage design standards for Fort Langley.

This council did not listen to the residents nor the heritage committees or their own planning department when they gave approval to the Coulter Berry Building. There is indeed a double standard in Fort Langley.

Even the words of Councillor Charlie Fox “and in a way I’m very gratified that I challenged you” makes it sound as if the new plans were done because of him.

Why did none of these councillors, except for David Davis, object to the monstrous Coulter Berry building being forced on the village, against the majority of residents, who said no.

I hope that the residents of Fort Langley, Willoughby, and other areas of the Township who are not being listened to by this council remember these serious concerns at the next election. It will be time for certain members of council who have ignored us to finally hear us.

Sandra Cameron,

Fort Langley

Langley Times