Langley Township development guidelines should apply to all

Editor: It was with some interest and a chuckle that I read the news article in the Aug. 15 edition of The Times.

In the second to last paragraph, Eric Woodward is quoted as saying, “The petition seems designed to delay the commencement of construction of the Coulter Berry Building to prevent additional competition in Fort Langley for Wendel’s.”


Do all the supporters of the Fort Langley Residents for Sustainable Development and all the supporters of the Hands On Heritage group and all the persons who spoke against the granting of a permit at council’s hearing and all the persons who signed the petition  have an interest in preventing competition for Wendel’s business?

I doubt it.

The issue is not anti-development or anti-Woodward. The issue is that development should be within the guidelines.

Taxpayers of Langley — the issue here is simply that Township council has one set of guidelines for most of us, but will allow a new set for a friend.

Amazing that all the other projects  currently being developed in Fort Langley are able to comply with the guidelines.

It’s amazing that the mayor and council will ignore the advice of their own Heritage Advisory Committee on Coulter Berry, as well as the advice of their Agricultural Advisory Committee on Tuscan Farms.

I can hardly wait to see who will be ignored next.  Oh — maybe the Aldergrove pool disaster?

Grace Muller,


Langley Times