Langley Township mayor should not be advocating for ‘yes’ vote

People in Langley pay tolls to cross bridges, yet are being asked to pay more towards improvements that will offer few benefits here.

Editor: Regarding the upcoming vote on the proposal to add 0.5 per cent to the sales tax for transit and transportation.

Why would Langley Township Mayor Jack Froese let himself be seen with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, and come out on behalf of the ‘yes’ side. People who live on the south side of the Fraser, and especially those who live east of the Port Mann Bridge, should never have to pay another cent.

They should also get 10 cents a litre off of the gas tax, because they are paying for three-quarters of the Port Mann tolls. Froese should be fighting for Langley to get SkyTrain, instead of having it going down Broadway. That doesn’t help Langley one little bit.

Nobody who lives east of the Port Mann should ever vote ‘yes.’ Think about it: Residents of Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and the rest of the north side get to use the newly- expanded freeway for absolutely nothing.

John Ritchie,

Fort Langley

Langley Times