Lantzville residents have lost confidence in district governance

Residents need to have confidence that decisions reached by a majority of council are carried out as directed.

To the Editor,

Re: Two councillors resign from Lantzville district, April 30.

A discussion during the Lantzville council meeting of April 27 regarding staff-council relations may be an indication of the reason we have lost these two highly regarded councillors. A decision was made by council April 20 to request assistance from the Inspector of Municipalities to find a facilitator. A decision was reached by council that the mayor would make contact by e-mail and include all council members and the chief administrative officer so all parties would know exactly what was said. The follow-up to this decision was discussed at the April 27 meeting and it became clear that council direction had not been followed. The request for assistance was made via a conference call between the mayor and provincial staff and did not include district staff or council members.

Members of council, staff and perhaps most importantly the residents need to have confidence that decisions reached by a majority of council are carried out as directed. We are still at the starting gate of resolving the issues and already the process has been compromised and trust lost.

Linda WestbyLantzville


To the Editor,

As a former house owner and resident in Lantzville, I left and sold my house as a result of Mayor Colin Haimes’s previous council. It is no surprise to me that longtime administrators and other councillors are fleeing from the Haimes’s new term in power. To understand, one need look no further than the mayor’s total incapacity to acknowledge any wrongdoing on his part as everyone who is not his direct lackey abandons ship.

Whelm KingNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin