Lantzville right to tax private school

I am pleased that Lantzville council voted to discontinue the permissive tax exemption for Aspengrove School.

To the Editor,

Re: Lantzville denies tax exemption to private school, Oct. 14.

As a Lantzville resident and supporter of the public school system, I am pleased that Lantzville council voted to discontinue the permissive tax exemption for Aspengrove School.

There seems no financial reason why the community at large, many of whom could not afford to send their children to this school, should subsidize those who can. It is hard to see how the school provides a benefit to the community “as an employer or landholder” any more than, say, Canadian Tire or McDonald’s. Any private institution offering a necessary service for a high fee, unaffordable to most, is actually counterproductive to community. The very act of opting out of the public system by those who obviously value education impoverishes the public system by removing their influence on behalf of all students. I would love to see the small classes, the extra curricular activities and program variety available to all students.

The tax exemption is a relatively small amount that should not cause the sky to fall as feared by school officials.

Liz FoxLantzville

Nanaimo News Bulletin