Law enforcement a life-changing job

Choosing a career in law enforcement is a selfless and life-changing decision

To the editor;

Choosing a career in law enforcement is a selfless and life-changing decision – not just for those who enter that line of work but also for their families.

Like many cherished and respected colleagues who have retired as police and peace officers, I feel extremely fortunate to have gained experience, education and wisdom while serving Canadians and fortunate to have come home safely at the end of every shift.

It can be easy to overlook the sacrifices that are made every day to keep us safe. We often don’t hear how the persistence of an officer turned things around for a young adult making bad choices or that a routine traffic stop was what prevented a driver texting behind the wheel.

Officers throughout the province put themselves in extreme, risky and unpredictable situations day after day knowing that each shift could be their last.

This year, West Shore RCMP Const. Sarah Beckett joins the list of brave women and men who gave their lives in the line of duty to keep others safe.

These dedicated women and men deserve our respect and appreciation and their families must know how truly grateful we are for their sacrifice.

I am asking all British Columbians to reflect and to think about the things they enjoy doing every day that are made possible thanks to responsible and effective law enforcement. These contributions – and sacrifices – allow us to enjoy the freedoms that we do.

May we never take this for granted and may we keep their memories alive forever.

For more information about the 2016 BC Law Enforcement Memorial, please visit:

Mike Morris

Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General


Barriere Star Journal