Laws against slavery are not being enforced

Listening to the information presented by Vienna Moilliet at the Pies

Listening to the information presented by Vienna Moilliet at the Pies of Freedom event she organized on Saturday, Nov. 3 left me with a lot to think about.

First, I am so impressed that a young woman would take on such a difficult topic as the slavery in our world today. The fact that she tackled the issue and raised the level of consciousness of the folks who attended this event is truly admirable and speaks to the quality of youth we have in our neighbourhood.  Being proactive makes all the difference in the world. As a person who has been involved in educational programs in third world countries I know well the phrase “think globally and act locally.”

One of the points made in the film Vienna showed was, laws opposing slavery are in place in every country in the world and the law not being enforced because of the fear oppressed people live under contributes to the support of slavery.

I wonder about those folks in our community who are living in fear of speaking out against injustices that may be affecting their lives.I wonder about women who live in abusive situations and stay there because of economic reasons. I wonder about folks who are caregiving loved ones and have lost their freedom to the demands of that care. I wonder about those caught up in addictive behaviours who are slaves to their habits. And I wonder if because these forms of slavery are so close to us, we become accustomed to them and don’t notice how our neighbours may be suffering.

Because of Vienna Moiliett’s leadership and example of compassion and concern, I for one will be paying closer attention to my community and the needs of people who are asking for support.  As well, I will continue to find ways to support the global community by speaking up for justice and not comfortably looking the other way.

Sandra Holmes


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times