Dear editor,
Town of Comox has just printed its propaganda sheet/bulletin for October. Yes, Lazo Road shoreline destruction is basically complete and yes, many people are using the 3.0 metre (same width as a road driving lane) multi-use path. But to rehash an old argument, I am sure that all those people would have enjoyed a 1.5 metre walkway just as well. Instead, the 3.0 path was built at the cost of the loss of the last undisturbed portion of beach in Comox and the walkers look at tons and more tons of granite rip rap instead of a natural beach.
Lazo Road ‘restoration’ (a misnomer by any definition) is an example of the complete failure of the Comox mayor and council to meet their obligations to the public. There were no public meetings, there was no notification to affected landowners and the Town went so far as to misrepresent the truth re: meaningful consultation with the public that was affected.
The mayor and council of the Town of Comox have ignored their responsibility to include the public in decisions and, by doing so, have ignored a wealth of knowledge and expertise available to them. It is not right.
Judy Morrison