Leadership not rhetoric

Dear Sir:

I agree with Steve Wilson’s April 6 letter to the editor, Self government exists now, in which he responded to Glenn Martin’s column calling for a form of municipal government for aboriginal people.

Dear Sir:

I agree with Steve Wilson’s April 6 letter to the editor, Self government exists now, in which he responded to Glenn Martin’s column calling for a form of municipal government for aboriginal people.

When Mr. Martin, who is on the executive of the local provincial Liberal constituency association,  wrote his guest column I immediately wrote to the BC Liberal Party to get a contact address to respond to Mr. Martin’s article with to no avail.

It is sad when the party in power does not respond when one of its own members of a party constituency association is in the news.

I believe Mr. Martin ran as a candidate for the regional district with the same intent of having Thornhill become a municipality.

The impression I get is that Mr. Martin has a fixation on municipalities.

Mr. Martin’s suggestion is to give all aboriginal nations in BC the status of municipalities within the Regional District Act of BC.

Mr. Martin should know that no aboriginal nation, municipality or province stands alone or can stand alone.

To make the aboriginal nations a municipality within the Regional District Act of BC would be step backwards.

It would equate to a separation not only from within Canada but all other aboriginal nations within the country.

Mr. Wilson is correct. We need leadership at all levels of government and not rhetoric.


Len Lovering, Terrace, BC



Terrace Standard