Learn more about risks of Smart Meters

B.C. Hydro is undemocratically mandating a recognized Class 2B carcinogen be added to our houses/apartments through an essential service

B.C. Hydro is undemocratically mandating a recognized Class 2B carcinogen be added to our houses/apartments through an essential service.   How many people know they can say “No,” and “No,” to what?

Well, “No,” to a radio-frequency device that did not pass inspection with the B.C. Utilities Commission.  “No,” to a device that did not go to parliamentary debate.  “No,” to a device that has high health risks.  We will be receiving  radiation, with spiked surges, not only from our own meter, but from all of our neighbours’ meters as well.

These meters could double (or more) your Hydro bill, seriously threaten the health of you, your family and neighbour, the health and life of plants/crops and animals including our pollinating bees.  Some other issues include: power in the control of the few, security, loss of jobs and fire. These meters are broad-reaching and will multiply from neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Quantum physics is now proving we live in an interconnected web of all life. What mystics have said for centuries, quantum physics is now proving.  What I do here affects what happens over there.

If you have a smart meter it will affect you and all around you – maybe it’s a baby, a heart transplant person, those sensitive to radio-frequency radiation, or the bees finding their way back to their hives. Since this will affect all of us it is important to stand together.

Please get informed. Other countries have said “No,” and Salt Spring Island has just said “No.”   Please say, “No, (because we are Canadians), thank you.” See citizensforsafetechnology.org for more information and to sign the petition at http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.ca   Smart Meter action packets are at Salmon Arm Stationery.  Please research RF/EMF and Wi-Fi technology in general. What  can we do to measure this technology? What can we do to protect ourselves from it?

Isabel Sinclair


Salmon Arm Observer