Leave it at 110 km/h on the Inland Highway

Re: the recent letter about increasing the speed from 110 km/h to 120 km/h on the Inland Highway.

Re: the recent letter to the editor by Gord Byers (The NEWS, March 6) about increasing the speed from 110 km/h to 120 km/h on the Inland Highway.

My concern is not about the motorist who drive that highway on a regular basis, but those who come from out of province or out of the country.

Last July, we had a wonderful holiday in Parksville and we were driving to Comox to take our daughter and our two grandsons to the airport to fly home to Edmonton. It was a fine, dry, sunny day and we were doing a 110 km-h when out of no where was a car coming right at us.

She was driving a bit faster than us and in a split second my husband swung into a tiny space in the next lane. She swung on to the soft shoulder.

Had we all been driving 120 km/h we would not be alive. So, please don’t forget those who are not from the Island and don’t know which side of the highway they should be on. speed kills. Leave well alone and enjoy the drive.

Heime Thwaites


Parksville Qualicum Beach News