Leave out the NIMBYism

The letters to the editor about the proposed gravel conveyor on Vedder Mountain just keep on coming. Friday, Feb. 11’s Progress had a letter from Donna Dolman claiming she can see, from her house in Webster Landing, the mountain being “stripped away”. Is she talking about the gravel pit on top of Vedder Mountain that was already approved years ago? She can see that from her house – at the base of the mountain? Really? Or, can she only see it from the freeway she mentions? If the latter, just how big is her own backyard anyway?

Do people honestly believe their view of other people’s property actually belongs to them? If so, nothing would ever be approved including new subdivisions.

About two years ago, several Webster Landing residents were complaining to city council, at two different meetings, about two different proposed developments right near their properties in Webster Landing. A couple of years before that, the people on Peach Road were also before council, complaining about a newly proposed development near them called Webster Landing – the very land the Dolmans live on and using the very same arguments. Most new development complaints always boil down to NIMBYism pure and simple. Sure, it is our right to voice our opinions, but stop all the exaggerations and the confrontational ranting. State your concerns calmly and honestly and let our elected officials do the job we have entrusted them to do.

Eileen Wright

Chilliwack Progress