Leave remaining unfarmed parts of Baynes Sound ‘as is’

Dear editor,

Another aquaculture licence? In Baynes Sound/northern Union Bay area?

Dear editor,

Another aquaculture licence? In Baynes Sound/northern Union Bay area?

Eight-one hectares of experimental on-bottom scallops, horse clams, cockles and oysters???

Do residents want their lifestyle altered by more aquaculture farms, aquapollution, noise, and traffic?

Do tourists want to come and view these aquafarms or would they rather view a pristine Sound? Leave the remaining unfarmed area of Baynes Sound “as is” to be enjoyed by all.

There will not be a public hearing on this application (No. 1413722 AQUA). Comments must be received by March 15.

Send your concerns to: www.authorizingagency.nanaimo@gov.bc.ca. Attn: Ministry of Forests, Land, Natural Resources – Re: Aquaculture Application #1413722 AQUA.

Here is a “must-see” YouTube video: Baynes Sound: A Lot to be Lost – produced October 2013 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5N5NSm3goUia.

Karin Valeri

Union Bay

Editor’s note: The application for a licence is actually downsized (from 155 hectares to 81 hectares) from a previous application. See page 3 of the March 11 Comox Valley Record or look in the News section of this website.

Comox Valley Record