Leave seniors alone

Governments who mess with pensioners will reap the whirlwind

Recently I received a Conservative Party flyer in the mail from my local MP. In that brochure the Conservatives touted their accomplishments and patted themselves on the back for all they had done for seniors in our area.

In reality the policies mentioned in the brochure had very little financial benefit to seniors.

I think the Conservatives have done very little for us in Oceanside and can only remember photo ops and pictures with big smiles.

Those smiles come from the fact that our members of parliament  and the Prime Minister’s puppets are getting outrageously fat pensions with a minimum of six years of work. Those MP pensions are subsidized by the taxpayer at $23 to $1 and kept at a 10 per cent level of interest rate.

And they just voted to add another 30 MPs to Parliament. Another $9 million for taxpayers.

This is unheard of anywhere else in the world. Our federal MP’s should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves for such outrageous excess and then coming up with a brochure with absurd rhetoric  to try to sell it to seniors.

The flyers and brochures and television ads are only a media system trying to soften  the blow and do damage control  for the next  round of cuts and hits to the middle class and seniors’ income.

Presently our CPP system is being reworked and is going to cost more for those hoping to retire before age 65.

I say, how dare you make changes to our social system of CPP and OAS and then reap those gold-plated pensions for yourselves!

Concentrate on the economy and environment, global warming and failing infrastructure. Concentrate on the First Nations problems and the many immigration failures. What about Senate reform?

Our present government has not done enough to receive a passing grade in my opinion and should leave seniors alone. We have worked, paid our share of taxes and contributed to the social systems all our lives. This is not solely a seniors’ issue. Young and old need to take note and speak up for your future social system funded by the taxpayer.

Don Reitsma





Parksville Qualicum Beach News