Legal pot paves road to disaster

I can’t for the life of me see this group of groupies calling themselves Sensible B.C. having a hope in Hades of legalizing pot

I can’t for the life of me see this group of groupies calling themselves Sensible B.C. having a hope in Hades of legalizing pot, no matter how many signatures they acquire.

We have barely made it through the aftermath of 40-plus years of drug abuse and fall out from all going to pot, and whomever coined the phrase recreational drugs must have been just wrecked.

I suppose it was a ploy to make drugs more sociably acceptable, but in fact was an act of irresponsibility which to this day has an astronomical impact on society and productivity.

We obviously have short memories from the time it was the norm to worship the brain-dead, so-called musicians like Janis Joplin, who sounded like she was five centimetres in labour with a kilo brick of Afghan black hash.

How else could she reach such a feverish pitch?

Joe Cocker, I’m sure, was getting tasered by the whole National Guard from back stage.

A person could not possibly spaz out like that unaccompanied, surely?

And yes folks, we parted with our hard-earned cash to see such a spectacle.

We have to stay focused now, the days are long gone when  we would seek a stoner guru for advice in the art of meditation and transient mental medication from atop the Himalayan mountains.

If the air heads get their way with legalization of whacky weed, we will once again be away with the fairies, donning see-through tie-dyed robes, with our crowns adorned with daisy chains while tip-toeing through the tulips and blowing dandelion seeds into the wind with glazed eyes.

God forbid!

Come on people, we need to clean up our act.

We have a lot of housekeeping to do if this poor tired world is going to sustain our grandchildren.

Andy Homan


Penticton Western News