Legion has done much good, but needs more support

I received a pathetic letter from Branch 21, the Royal Canadian Legion, briefly stating this branch is fast going broke, due to past bad business decisions and the present day lack of support by the dwindling membership.

Editor: I received a pathetic letter from Branch 21, the Royal Canadian Legion, briefly stating this branch is fast going broke, due to past bad business decisions and the present day lack of support by the dwindling membership.

This is a sad state of affairs, as the Legion has done much good in the community. Each year, the sale of poppies brings in thousands of dollars, all of which goes to charity. Noting how my fellow Second World War vets are quickly fading away, I have taken pains to write to Legion Command concerning the problem.

The practice, as now constituted, is that every dollar collected in the sale of poppies must go to charity. Not one penny is allowed to support any Legion branch that institutes the drive and ensures that members are out selling the poppies.

In numerous letters, I have suggested that this be amended, so that a small proportion of the funds raised can support the Legion branch that implements the sale, This would help ensure the branches survive, so that the poppy drives can continue. Unfortunately, both B.C. and Dominion Command chose to ignore my plea, without even the courtesy of reply.

I have also suggested that a book I have written titled March Past, (the adventures of a 16-year-old who joins the army, goes overseas, becomes a paratrooper and is eventually commissioned) be published, with all proceeds going to the Legion branches. No reply on this, although I have recounted the success LAPS has had with my books sold for their benefit.

I’ve been a Legion member for a number of years. I admit I do not use the facilities as I should, as I am not a dancer, a card player or bingo enthusiast.

I have not volunteered my services in running the establishment either, as I am a particularly ineffective business man. I have on a couple of occasions commanded parades on Nov. 11, which is within my capability.

My old comrades have faded away, so the recollection over a pint or two of beer is no longer a possibility. What’s more, the new drinking driving laws make me hesitant to so.

I feel very sorry for the fine people who do their utmost the keep the Legion going in downtown Langley.  I don’t believe their chances of success are good under present conditions.

Mike Harvey,


Langley Times