Legion needs overhaul

Penticton Legion executive was suspended for running lotteries and functions without legal authority

I attended the Penticton Legion meeting on May 25. Apparently, the executive was suspended for allegedly running lotteries and functions without legal authority. They also failed to forward monthly reports to the B.C. command structure.

It would appear the executives at fault abrogated their fiduciary duties. They were running the Legion in the manner in which they wanted to run it, without regard to federal and provincial laws, nor Legion policy.

On the occasional Monday when I went with my friends for a beer, a few members of the executive were gathered at their exclusive table acting as noisy juveniles. Their behaviour certainly was not conducive to increasing Legion business. Quite the opposite. They acted as if the Legion was their own private fiefdom.

To the best of my knowledge, not one of the top tier of the executive has accepted responsibility.

Running amok cannot be allowed. Travelling that path leads only to anarchy and assures the ultimate dismantling of the organization.

I would encourage all Legion members, those who want to see the Penticton branch successfully continue, to be smarter and more discriminating if they ever get one last chance to select a future executive.

Bob Pawley







Penticton Western News