Lengthy election campaign to benefit Conservatives

Why would Stephen Harper deliberately turn the 2015 federal election into one of the longest and most expensive in modern history?

Why would Stephen Harper deliberately turn the 2015 federal election into one of the longest and most expensive in modern history? Because he is running scared and is counting on the insatiable self-interest of his government’s wealthy supporters, who will expect to be rewarded with even more financial perks in the future, to bankroll an extended Conservative propaganda blitz. His party has already amassed more funds than all the other parties combined and is convinced they can buy Harper another victory by outspending his opponents. The Tory campaign will try to distract voters from evaluating Harper’s dismal record of broken promises, despotic arrogance, fiscal mismanagement, cynical secrecy, tar-sand addiction, environmental ignorance, deficit budgets, terror fear-mongering and scandal-plagued appointments.

A wise man once said, “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”  Do not be fooled by repetitive brainwashing-styled advertising, by misleading robocall-type deceptions, by callous personal attack ads against opponents or by the new election rules jerry-rigged by that Machiavellian ministerial minion, Pierre Poilievre. The sooner Harper’s Hole-in-the-Budget Gang is sent packing, the better it will be for the majority of Canadians – and the safer it will be for Canada’s democratic institutions. Hold your nose if you must, but please consider voting for whichever candidate has the best chance of defeating a Harper Conservative!

Lloyd Atkins


Salmon Arm Observer