Less bureaucracy please

Re: Letter from Hugh French and the productive work of the Heritage Advisory Commission (HAC) in North Saanich.

Re: Letter from Hugh French and the productive work of  the Heritage Advisory Commission (HAC) in North Saanich.

I don’t agree with Mr. Fraser’s call for an apology from councillor (Dunstan) Browne for comments about the committee.

Why should a councillor have to worry about speaking his or her mind?

We should be thankful for ‘plainspeak’ and welcome more straightforward dialogue and practical suggestion/ solutions.

The 2007 Heritage Strategic Plan was fairly comprehensive and detailed (six years ago) so let’s work with that.

Quoting Mr Fraser: from Oct/2010 to Jan /2012 the HAC reviewed, recommended implementation, prepared a 4,000 word document, presented it to council so that council could receive and approve the work of a former committee membership with the help of consultants, Luxton & Associates.

I do appreciate the willingness of citizens to step forward to serve on municipal committees and I thank those who contribute responsibly, but please, less bureaucracy and more practical solutions/approaches.

Norm Friesen

North Saanich



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