Lessons learned from a mishap and misunderstanding

Good news comes from the story of a damaged sculpture

There’s a lot to like in today’s story about the adventures and misadventures of a certain rabbit decorating the district.

Sculptor and artist David Hunwick, creator of the Rite of Spring sculpture on Cadboro Bay Road, was moved when contacted by the mother of a young five-year-old boy who had inadvertently broken a paw off the artwork – frolicking hares in a circle, undoubtedly captivating to many a youngster.

Hunwick was touched by the youngster’s forthrightness in coming forward, despite being devastated by the mishap.

But equally heartening is the community’s response to what was perceived as the theft of one of the sculptures.

Unbeknownst to Hunwick, who had simply removed the wounded rabbit to make a repair – it was only gone about a day – residents reported the incident to police, and social media was a-flurry with calls for the figure’s return.

The truth of what happened emerged Sunday, when Hunwick learned of the uproar while displaying his work at the Bowker Creek Brush Up.

While a simple misunderstanding is at the root of the story, it demonstrates how much the community has embraced Oak Bay’s ArtsAlive program, of which Hunwick’s piece is a part,  and how invested the community is in its many amenities.

As Hunwick remarked, “The upside of this is I have a whole community watch.”

And to the young lad who came forward, broken paw in hand, to the artist, well done. Acknowledging a mistake and stepping up to rectify it is an example we can all learn from.



Oak Bay News