Lest we forget the events of 9-11

We remember the sacrifice of world war veterans and we should remember the events of 9-11 as well.

People always worry that, with the dwindling number of First and Second World War veterans, the phrase “Lest We Forget” will lose meaning for the current generation.

While those that made the ultimate sacrifice in those two wars should never be forgotten, it seems those that lost their lives in a more recent tragedy might be.

What was yesterday? Tuesday? Yes it was but not just Tuesday, it was the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, more commonly known as the 9-11.

Eleven years ago, suicide attacks were launched in New York, Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Va. and I found it surprising that there was no mention of the anniversary leading up to the day on the news channels, at least as far as I could see. There are promos for Remembrance Day well in advance of Nov. 11.

Of course, the argument can be made that only the Americans should hold memorials for 9-11, since the attacks were made on American soil but the attacks had an impact across the globe. Safeguards at airports across Canada and Unites States have changed dramatically and while it would be easy to say that it is a sign of the times, people shouldn’t forget 9-11 is the reason for screening procedures, whether you think it is for good or for worse.

While Americans will never forget that fateful day, it seems that this year’s memorials will be lacking a little bit.

A report dated on Monday said that elected officials wouldn’t speak at memorial ceremonies in New York and while some point to the fact that it is an election year down south, speeches from elected officials help mark solemn occasions such as these.

The Associated Press says the move was made in the interests of sidelining politics but memorials such as this transcend politics. Some have suggested that it should be more about the people who lost loved ones and while that is certainly good, the pomp and circumstance seems lacking with no elected officials talking. Back on Sept. 11, 2001, the world changed forever; let’s not forget.

Grand Forks Gazette