Let government get on with it

Recent issues of the PNR (Nov 14) contains some letters (Connoly, Thornburgh, and Dear) concerning trade with China.

Recent issues of the PNR (Nov 14) contains some letters (Connoly, Thornburgh, and Dear) concerning trade with China.

They express reservations that any deal with China will lead to China’s dominance over Canada’s ecconomy and independence.

We need to take a more measured look at the situation. China is here; today and in the future China will be a major player in the world’s economy and we can’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend it’s not. We have had economic treaties and agreements with China for many years; China is a major purchaser of B.C. coal, and many Canadian companies are doing business in China.

Ms. May and the NDP want the subject debated publically, but such a debate will almost certainly end up as an east-west contest and the international aspect will be lost. Our best course is to let the government get on with the job, and report to us at the end.

Fred Langford




Peninsula News Review