Let me be clear

I'm confident there was no malice, but I never said that word


n response to the editorial, (The News, Oct. 28), entitled Bad Examples, I wish to make this statement.

I do believe News reporter Auren Ruvinsky made his writing with good intentions and without malice, but a misinterpretation of my comment referring to temporary workers as immigrants.

I did not mention the word immigrants. I may have mentioned foreigners, but did not imply immigrants, but temporary workers. I hope this clarifies the situation.

All over Canada, temporary workers are used in horrifying working conditions sometimes.

You separated Paul Reitsma and myself from the candidates. I am curious as to how come. My assumption is you attempted to discriminate both of us as sort of village idiots.

Let me explain to you sir, that every seven years, the cells of a human body change, except the cornea of our eyes which never changes, from birth to death, which means to me that people can and do change. Whatever Paul Reitsma did has nothing to do with this upcoming election.

For me, I see Paul Reitsma as a very intelligent man, who shows expertise in how to manage the city, and accountability to the Parksville people, like no other candidate.

I am very amazed, grateful and proud to have such a candidate running for the city of Parksville. In my sincere opinion, I want to say, if anybody deserves to be the next mayor of Parksville, it is Paul Reitsma.

I was invited to Winchelsea School, to meet some young students. I was not expecting to find reporters there, or be faced with candidates’ children presenting questions. I was not aware of what I believe to be a trap. I forgot to take my tape recorder, and I will not make that mistake again.

When Chris Burger stood there and said to the students, “that he was an actor and a very good one at that,” I was surprised because I believe he was being honest.

Please sir, let us understand each other …”as I set my sight on a destination beyond the distant horizon and then I make the road by walking …”

Antonio Farinha





Parksville Qualicum Beach News