Let North Saanich speak

Some municipal governments in the Capital Region are willing to include a simple question on election ballots this fall

Some municipal governments in the Capital Region are willing to include a simple question on election ballots this fall seeking an indication from voters of how widespread are concerns regarding proliferation of municipal governments and staffs within the region. It seems a pretty simple, non-threatening and appropriate kind of question to put to voters and enlightened governments are willing to take advantage of this timely and inexpensive opportunity to measure public opinion.

Not so in North Saanich where the council has again voted against including such a question on the ballot, apparently concluding that this is a non–issue for its citizens. Such a parochial attitude does a considerable disservice to North Saanich voters who, whether they are interested in amalgamation for their own municipality or not, likely have opinions on the broader issue at hand.

The non-participation by North Saanich also does a disservice to voters in other municipalities by ignoring the opportunity to contribute to a wider regional overview of voter opinions.

It is not too late for North Saanich council to see light and reverse its decision.

Failure to do so will earn council the dubious distinction of denying its voters a timely opportunity to join with voters of other regional municipalities to express an opinion on a matter of significant interest throughout the Capital Region.

North Saanich voters deserve better.

Doug Mitchell

North Saanich



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