‘Let someone else do something about it’

We, as Christians, surely should have the same freedom to practice our belief.

Editor, The News:

First, Ms. de Boer is correct – all too often we sit  timidly knowing we should do something, yet we do nothing. Why? Perhaps we are too timid, but more than likely, we adopt the attitude, ‘I don’t care, let someone else do something.’

Second, regarding Christmas changing to ‘holiday,’ why do we tolerate being told that we must change our Christian celebrations and prayers to accommodate people of other faiths?

These other faiths are welcomed into this land with open arms and have the freedom to practice their religion. We, as Christians, surely should have the same freedom to practice our belief.

My perception is that the changes in the Christian practices are being asked for by corporations wishing to broaden the marketing  base.

It is continuing because, in my view, we say, ‘I don’t care, let someone else do something about it.’

Which brings me to the next  subject: I attended the Cinema Politica showing of How Private Corporations make money from Water, and, yes, it was a bit of an eye-opener. The people of Abbotsford were wise to shoot down the P3 proposal regarding Stave Lake. It shows what can be done when people do care.

Don’t let apathy win the day.

Stan Hutchison

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News