Let the science centre use building

Letter writer wants city to provide organization with use of Anna Cail Heritage Hall

The City of Vernon is considering not letting the Okanagan Science Centre continue to use the Anna Cail Heritage Hall as the city says it wants it for ”other possible uses.”

The science centre says it needs to continue leasing the building as it uses it for storage of exhibits and for some programs.

I would like to come out in favour of allowing the science centre to continue to use the heritage hall.

Anna Cail was my mother.

While she was well known in the community for her work with the preservation of our heritage, first and foremost, she was a teacher.

She believed there was nothing more important than education. She believed that by educating people, the world could be a better place.

My mother loved what the science centre does in its education of not only children, but of everyone.

She realized the study of science was important.

She would not want to see any school group turned away due to not being able to use the heritage hall.

My mother would also have said that in a way, some of what the science centre does is heritage.

Much of scientific study involves work done or discovered by our ancestors and while this is a weak definition  of heritage, it no less applies.

Most of my family were, or are, teachers.

I’m sure any number of them would agree on the importance of education.

I would ask city council to reconsider its decision and allow the science centre to continue leasing the building.

Bob Cail



Vernon Morning Star