Let the sunshine in

I read with sadness and disgust your article wherein you described Oak Bay council’s approval of a building variance

Re: Residents protest plan for Crestview home (News, July 30).

I read with sadness and disgust your article wherein you described Oak Bay council’s approval of a building variance allowing the replacement of single story residence on Crestview Road with a 7,000-plus square foot, two storied home, despite the objections from a number of residents on that road.

One resident, in particular, described how the additional height of the new residence would block the sun from her property and prevent her living room from receiving little or any sunlight during the winter months.

It is a tragedy that the law permits the reconstruction or replacement of an existing home which significantly and permanently interferes with the enjoyment of an established neighboring home.

This problem is not new to Oak Bay. It has plagued our municipality since the last decade, despite the numerous complaints that have been made about the problem.

Because of the incoming flood of rich newcomers to our small community from such areas as Asia, the Lower Mainland, and Alberta this problem is only going to get worse.

With a stroke of the pen, Oak Bay council could prevent this problem by passing a bylaw which effectively prohibits the reconstruction or replacement of an existing home with a larger structure that significantly and permanently interferes with the use or enjoyment of a neighboring home.

However, Oak Bay council continues to do nothing but sit on its hands despite this problem occurring over and over again.

By doing nothing to prevent this problem, Oak Bay council is doing an egregious disservice to the established residents of our community.

Bruce Filan

Oak Bay


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