LETER: Other options could still be explored

LETER: Other options could still be explored

Those crossing the intersection by foot or wheels every day can only hope that a new solution will resolve the situation.

Regarding the intersection at Cedar Street and Seventh Avenue:

Those crossing the intersection by foot or wheels every day, especially in the rush hours, can only hope that a new solution will resolve the situation once and for decades ahead.

The stretch is called a connector for a reason. It seems that anything slowing down the traffic along the connector has a potential to become a short term solution, and come back to where we are today.

Even though more costly, perhaps a variety of long term options can be evaluated as well. For example, think of an underpass under the intersection.

As extraordinary as it may sound, the underpass along the Cedar corridor (under 7th Ave.) should facilitate a free flow of traffic, minimize accident potential, as well as address noise and carbon monoxide pollution problem in the area.

The approach may also offer a way to mitigate an expropriation issue to a certain degree.

Perhaps, there are more options.


Jaroslav Chizhov



Mission City Record