Let’s all help the needy

There is little to celebrate at Christmas for homeless people.

Editor: I am an adult, Grade 12 English student. I was given a recent assignment to report on a local, current, and controversial news story. I selected Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver and the recent “tent city” protesting that took place this summer. As I investigated the depths of the story, I realized I was sympathetic to the cries for help from the homeless.

As we all know, the Christmas season is rapidly approaching. We will all be wondering what special gifts to buy our loved ones. For a homeless person, there is little to celebrate. Their needs are basic: warm clothing, non-perishable foods, and toiletries.

I would like to challenge citizens of this city to simplify their gift giving, and donate to the homeless. Leave the Coach purses and Prada ties in the stores.

Drop your change into the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle, sponsor a family in need, and donate much-needed clothes and food to the local food bank. Open your hearts, and your wallets, and get involved. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference to someone in need.

Kristin Dwviniczuk,


Langley Times