Let’s hear Langley trustees give a reason for the lockout

Trustees need to tell the community why they have partially locked out teachers.

Editor: To Board of Education trustees — thank you for all you do for public education in Langley. Your effort is commendable.

Second, in an open letter to this newspaper and posted on the district website, could you outline specifically what our teachers in our community are not doing that warrants your partial lockout, a deduction of 10 per cent of their pay and their full lockout at secondary school for three days and elementary for one day at the end of June.

The 10 per cent has already been deducted from teachers paycheques, so there must be specific reasons for this.  Without specific reasons, people might begin to conclude that the trustees we elected are simply following a BCPSEA demand designed to be vindictive, and to provoke and inflame the dispute with teachers.

Many may start to think that our trustees no longer represent the opinions of the local community. Your rationale for this treatment is important, as we consider who to vote for in November.

B. McCloy,


Langley Times